The birds have been blamed for the poor water quality surrounding the Santa Monica Pier. Earlier this year, when Santa Monica was named the Most polluted Beach in California, the city responded by claiming it was due to all the pigeons living under the Pier.
Since then they have done things to try to rid the pier of all the birds, such as installing nets under the peir. Now they decided to make it illegal to feed them. Tickets will range from $5 to $25 if you get busted feeding the birds.
"The Santa Monica City Council Tuesday approved an ordinance to prohibit the distribution of food to birds and animals at beaches and the Pier.
This ordinance update looks to improve water quality around the Pier and enhance efforts to address bacterial levels in the Santa Monica Bay, which were noted in the Heal the Bay Beach Report Card.
The update is intended to work holistically with infrastructure investments made by the city to reduce bacterial pollution. Earlier this year, the city installed netting under the pier to discourage pigeon roosting and nesting."
The City has also stated that, "Pigeons are attracted to the Pier because it provides both a roosting structure and access to food. The City recently installed new bird netting under the Pier to limit bird roosting. However, the birds may still congregate in the area because of the available food sources."
Tickets start at $5, as stated in their report:
"Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of an infraction. Any person convicted of an infraction under the provisions of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than five dollars and not more than twenty-five dollars. Each such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every commission of any violation of any provision of this Section and shall be punished accordingly."
To read the report from the city meeting, Click Here
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