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The F-cked Up Venice Storm Drain

Video by Cop Watch Venice

"The city of Los Angeles and council member Mike Bonin has refused to fix the Rose Ave storm drain for years, ignoring all complaints and intentionally allowing trash and chemicals to go into the ocean and be buried in the sand. Now that the city has refused all cleaning and responsibilities blaming budget deficiencies while collecting more than ever, and homelessness has been purposely consolidated in the area and left to run wild, the problem is now way worse and spreading all over the beach and bike path, narrowly avoiding the children's playground.

As seen in previous videos, all the catch basins for the storm drain in that area are full of trash daily that the city refuses to clean. They stopped street sweeping months ago leaving huge build ups of oil and automotive chemicals, and stopped cleaning the catch basins so they can claim more funding, now this is the result. This has been going on for years, but is way worse with the recent city neglect and is not going to get any better as long as people keep supporting them."

Cop Watch Venice follows LAPD pacific division on world famous Venice beach, showing a point-of-view style cop watch and update on Venice's current conditions. We make edited shorts, full scenes and are working on a documentary about homelessness and city failures. Donate to Cop Watch Venice via Cop Watch Venice Paypal

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