Here's some info from the Venice Institute of Contemporary Art about their upcoming event:
Venice Institute of Contemporary Art and Venice Heritage Museum present ‘A History of Venice’, a People/Place/Art/Word/Sound Exhibition opening September 3 at
Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA, and continuing through September 30. The lobby and mezzanine galleries will showcase installations that highlight the diverse and influential histories of Venice through the lens of its inhabitants -- from the indigenous Tongva population, to Abbot Kinney and his wild fantasy come true to create a playground for the Los Angeles elite, to the artists, activists, and renegades who have made their home in Venice and their mark over generations. The displays, interpreted by a diverse array of guest curators, honor a sampling of the many groups that have contributed to the cultural depth of this immensely influential beachside community. In particular, the exhibition seeks to center the Venetians whose influence may be known to insiders but whose legacies are at risk of being forgotten during this time of rapid cultural change.
An accompanying suite of special live evenings of storytelling, media, and performance will kick off on September 5th with a night of behind-the-scenes storytelling about Venice’s complex and fascinating history, told by local residents themselves as well as devoted historians. On September 14th, the official Opening Reception for the exhibition will be held from 2-6 pm. Following, an evening talk will feature
Tosh Berman sharing excerpts from his
new book about his father , influential Venice artist, Wallace Berman, and readings of works by Venice scribes such as one-time resident,
Ray Bradbury , and beloved poet, Wanda Coleman, with other special guests to be announced.
A film night will take place on September 19th, which will feature rare archives from the gritty surf and skate culture of Dogtown’s second generation in the 1980s. Films by the youth of Venice Arts will be shown, as well as a selection from noted archivist, Tom Sewell, among other shorts. The final gathering on September 29th will open with an indigenous ceremony and blessing to provide good luck and wishes for the continued cultural evolution of the city of Venice and its residents. The evening will conclude with a variety show in the evening, featuring performances by the many wonderful and talented characters of Venice, both past and present (...who knows, Abbot Kinney himself might appear!). All in all, the program promises to be a moving and entertaining, not-to-be-missed celebration of the cultural legacies of Venice, a city so many lay claim to and yet still defies definition.
“Venice was... (and still is) a last stop-off at the edge of America ...oceans and outlaws. Its setting is a perfect balance for poetry. Beauty and danger. Agony and rapture.” -Philomene Long
Public viewing hours: Friday 4:00-10:00 pm, Saturday 3:00-10:00 pm, Sunday 2:00-7:00 pm. Exhibition on view from September 3rd-30th.
"A History of Venice" programs and events
A Night of Storytelling - Thursday, September 5, 8:00-10:00 pm
Opening Reception - Saturday, September 14, 2:00-6:00 pm
A Night of Literature and Art - Saturday, September 14, 8:00-10:00 pm
A Night of Film - Thursday, September 19, 8:00-10:00 pm
Closing Ceremony & Variety Show - Sunday, September 29, 2:00-6:00 pm
Beyond Baroque
681 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90291
Get nore info and tickets for tyhe special events at: ahistoryofvenice.linktree
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