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Update on Venice Healer Daisy

From Santa Monica Close Up:

In an exclusive interview with Daisy, also known as Wa, a captivating story unfolds, revealing a remarkable relationship between her and the enigmatic figure referred to as the "Perfect Prince." Their connection, driven by shared interests, a deep passion for yoga, and a commitment to personal growth, sparks a transformative journey.

Click Here for more Stories about Venice Healer Daisy

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

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1 comment

  1. I live on the East Coast and through viewing various video platforms have developed a deep interest in Venice Beach and all it's many elements. One day I hope to visit.
