3:12 AM

For a third year in a row, the team from Firewire have won the Billabong SurfAid Cup. The event is held at the iconic Malibu Beach in Malibu California, with 12 teams raising an extraordinary $160,000 for humanitarian organization SurfAid.
This is the second year that Dr. Dave’s team has won the SurfAid Cup fundraising trophy. The team of Conrad Carr, Gus Roxburgh, Debbie Frank, and SurfAid founder, Dr. Dave Jenkins raised an amazing $34,650.
Since its inception in 2012, this event has now raised more than $400,000 for SurfAid.
All funds raised contribute to SurfAid’s mother and child programs in remote areas of Indonesia in Nias, Mentawai islands, Sumbawa and Sumba. “The funds raised by the Billabong SurfAid Cup in Malibu, the ongoing support of MSA, and the community of Malibu saves lives in Indonesia. SurfAid works in places where hardly anyone but surfers go – but where there are high rates of infant and maternal mortality. Days like today show that surfers can make a real difference and give back to the places they love” says Andrew Judge, SurfAid’s CEO.
This year, Billabong came on board as the event’s presenting sponsor.
"We at Billabong are thrilled to offer our ongoing support to this longstanding and important partnership with SurfAid. Their incredible work has already helped to improve health and lower mortality rates in Nias and surrounding areas. Billabong is excited and proud to join globally in the support of SurfAid." says Cathey Curtis, VP of Global Marketing, Billabong Womens.
First Point at Malibu treated the surfers to near ideal conditions with light winds and pumping, glassy 4 to 5 foot waves. A five-man tag team format, the SurfAid Cup is part of the MSA contest and all the teams pick a pro surfer or legend to join their fundraising team.
The judges were impressed with the level of surfing by all the competitors – including an amazing team of under 15 groms from Malibu. The team Latigo Groms, consisting of Niko Didden, Diego Didden, Charlie Hoberman, Henno Hopp picked pro surfer Matt McCabe and scored some incredible waves. The opportunity to give back by supporting SurfAid coupled with surfing an empty Malibu is what drives most of these competitors.
The team from Firewire took out the final with a score of 91.70, followed in second with team Captain Mikke Pierson with a score of 80.47. The team Malaria Sucks narrowly edged out the SurfAiders team with a score of 69.90 to take third. Fifth place finishers Malaria Free Mentawai and the sixth place team from Billabong rounded out the exciting finals.
The winning Firewire team consisted of Mike Thomas, Taylor Jensen, Noah Erikson, Chuy Reyna, and pro rider Mike McCabe.
The other placings were:
1st Place – Firewire
2nd Place – Captain Mikke Pierson
3rd Place – Malaria Sucks
4th Place – SurfAiders
5th Place – Malaria Free Mentawai
6th Place – Billabong
7th Place – Malcolm Hates Malaria
8th Place – Saving Lives Every Day
9th Place – Latigo Groms
10th Place – Dr. Dave’s Team
11th Place – Indoteak Design
12th Place – Tad & Tad
You can still support the teams here: https://www.classy.org/surfaidcupmalibu2015
Supporting sponsors for the 2015 SurfAid Cup in Malibu were Malibu Village, Dukes at Malibu, Kona Brewing and Grom Social.
We happen to meet a great people there and started to chat with them and drink w/them too. I had a great time here, glad we found these event venues by accident. Will definitely come to this place again as anyone will make this a regular spot easily.