8:44 PM
Venice Penguin Swim Club invites the public to meet at Breakwater, at the end of Windward, every January 1st and greet the New Year with a Big Splash! Sign up starts at 11 am on the beach. No entry charge to participate. The first man and woman to complete a 500-yard swim around a buoy and back will be crowned the penguin prince and princess.
There's no fee to participate in this really fun event. Registration begins 11am at the beach, swim starts at noon. A 400 yard challenge course and a 100 yard novice "Dip". Snacks and hot drinks provided. Volunteers needed to help with set up and registration. Contact the office 310 390-5700 or email SCAQ@SWIM.net if you are interested in helping. http://www.swim.net/scaq.cfm
CLICK HERE for photos from the previous Penguin Swims
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