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German In Venice Homelessness On Venice Beach Video Series.

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"Today, I interviewed Jeff, an Amish homeless man on Venice Beach who is trying to sell his art buttons on the boardwalk. He lives in a tent right on the Venice Beach Boardwalk. He speaks many languages and has traveled all over the world. It was Really interesting to talk to him. I hope you enjoy this video too."

If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy him a coffee, you are welcome to donate to his paypal account:

1 comment

  1. I would like to go to Venice. I want to get my body in good shape. I want to put cruel ten years behind me. I want my children I remember to see me and maybe once a year a holiday visit. I have 1000 dollars of poor cash a year. Organization.
    How many days per month can I live in Venice for that amount with no buddy yet. Will 1000 dollars a month at age 54 put me in a home? Where is your housing advertisements? Written by one Albany, New Yorker. I cannot do because of what others have done to us. I want to try to move to Venice or Santa Monica or Los Angeles.
