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Surfline Kills Off Magicseaweed

News of the inevitable was made official today, Surfline is killing off Magicseaweed. Here's the announcenment:

"Back in 2017, magicseaweed joined with Surfline, to bring together the world's best surf forecasting websites. For the past five years, the combined team have spent their time working on both MSW and Surfline – and this made sense, because we all share a passion for the ocean, forecasting and helping surfers find and surf more waves. This set up also meant our best ideas have been divided across two places. Over the next few months, we'll be saying goodbye to MSW, but bringing all the best features over to Surfline."

In a few months, magicseaweed will re-direct into Surfline and all customers will need to download and use the Surfline apps.

If you have a MSW Pro subscription, this will automatically entitle you to a Surfline Premium Membership. For those who have free accounts, these will also be transferred over to Surfline.

For more info, Click Here

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