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Out In The Lineup Screening & Panel with Glenice

Venice's Glen Walsh is thrilled to announce the documentary ‘Out in the Lineup’ is celebrating its 10 year anniversary with a screening at the Dana Point Film Festival on Saturday, May 4 at 1pm!

"Can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I music supervised and co produced this ground breaking documentary about LGBTQ surfers. So much progress has been made , of course we will have a ways to go towards equality and acceptance! Come see the film that launched a movement! Would love to see you all there with Riley Herman and mysel are doing a Q&A after! Or we will just surf!"

Time: Sat, May 4th, 1:00 PM @
Location: Dana Point Women's Club

For more info, and to get tickets, Click Here.

Originally released in 2014, and featured in film festivals around the world, ‘Out in the Lineup’ is a documentary following two gay surfers as they travel the world and learn why gay men and women surfers find it impossible to get sponsorships, or find acceptance in a sport which is supposed to be renown for it's laid back, free-spirited culture.

Join David and Thomas from the east coast of Australia to Hawaii, California, Mexico and the Galapagos Islands as they meet and surf with people from all corners of the surfing community. There’s some amazing stories, and beautiful surfing – contradicting a comment from a pro surf spectator that “gays just aren’t strong enough to paddle a surfboard”. There’s an openly gay three-time world champion, an award winning big wave rider, and former US Congressman and his surfer husband, along with everyday surfers, gay and straight coming together to help build acceptance. The story even inspired a current national champion surfer to come out and share his story – an amazing finale to the film.

Throughout their travels David and Thomas hear stories of fear, isolation and self-doubt, but are also inspired by tales of hope, self-empowerment and transformation. They witness the conflicts created by the marketing image of surfers (straight white males and women in tiny bikinis), and how it inhibits personal expression in a sport that’s supposed to be so free. Numerous attempts to get comments from the professional surfing associations, or the mega-corporations that sell billions of dollars of merchandise built on the surfing stereotypes were unsuccessful, as the film documents.

Why are homophobic slurs so common in the lineup? When homosexuality is now being accepted in pro sports including basketball, football and soccer – why is the surf industry unwilling to make any comment at all? How do gay surfers reconcile their identities as athletes when role models are invisible?

These topics and others are revealed as the journey of David and Thomas unfolds. They, along with the 5,000+ members of, their friends, families and communities hope this film can help create change in surf culture, looking to the surfing’s grassroots values of freedom of spirit, open-mindedness and love for the ocean.

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