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More Vehicles Broken Into Along PCH

A vehicle parked near Nicholas Beach was broken into, and a messenger bag worth $170 and prescription glasses were stolen. There was no damage to the vehicle. The glasses were estimated to cost $500 to replace.

Two iPhones, credit cards, and a key fob were stolen from a vehicle parked on Broad Beach. The victim went surfing, hid the key on the passenger rear tire, and upon return, the key was taken, and his vehicle was ransacked. The victim reported the incident three days after it occurred.

A vehicle parked near Topanga Beach parking lot was broken into and ransacked. The victim locked his key in the lockbox, went surfing, and upon return, noticed his vehicle was unlocked and ransacked. The victim’s cell phone, wallet, and driver’s license was stolen. The victim was notified of an unauthorized charge of $24,036.55.


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