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Venice Surf-A-Thon Is No More?

The fate of the Venice Surf-A-Thon is now unknown.

Contest founder & organizer, Ger-I Lewis, made two announcements this morning via his social media accounts. Both announcements statimng he has decided not to produce the contest anymore, and the second announcement was the same as the first but he added in a sentence about gifting the contest to "the Venice neighborhood" , which he called aa "a strong and responsible group".

This news comes just 12 days after Ger-I had announced the 2022 Venice Surf-A-Thon date.

His full announcement:

"Family, friends and supporters of Venice Surf-A-Thon Surf Contest, I have decided to not to produce the Venice Surf-A-Thon Surf Contest any longer. Thank you for the support and a wonderful 28 years of fun and surfing! I decided to gift the contest to the Venice neighborhood and a strong and responsible group that is considering keeping the 'Thon going into the next 3 decades.
Sincerely, Ger-I"

Is the Venice Surfing Association the group Gert-I is talking about?

And does that mean the 2022 contest is still on?


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