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Check out these little silver bins posted up at a surf break near you thanks to the team at Hold On To Your Butt . They are committed to keeping cigarette butts off the beach. 🚬 butts are the number 1 source of litter on our California beaches. The team empties these bins and ships the butts to TerraCycle where they recycle the trash and eventually give it a new life. This bin was purchased by one of their volunteers, Patrick Migliazzo .

Interested in installing one at your local surf break? Contact Tiffany at

It is just One California day away from Patagonia Santa Monica 's 10 year anniversary screening of One California Day! Swing by THURSDAY, JUNE 1 and hang with @jasonbaffafilms and the crew as Bennett Piscitelli spins some vinyl, Ziobaffa Wine wine is poured, and Patagonia Provisions whips up the tasty eats. Doors open at 7, event takes off at 7:30.

Patagonia Santa Monica

1344 4th Street
Santa Monica

SW swell and NW windswell will combine for modest surf through mid-week, plenty rideable, but generally head high and under. Winds/conditions are the major issue with many areas plagued by onshore and/or unfavorable winds. There is a new, larger SSW swell due late week

Score over $500 of FREE summer swag, incuding Katin trunks, Sun Bum sunscreen, Slow Tide beach towel, tees, hats and more by entering their latest Instagram giveaway now.⠀

1.) Follow each of these brands:


2.) Then tag 2 friends in the comments on this post.

3.) Finally, after all that, visit Entry Form Page to finish your entry.

To sum it up in 2 words: It sucks.

It really does.

First of all, this is the type of movie all the film "Critics" are required to give a negative review of. Those stuffy types are not supposed to like raunchy comedies and raunchy comedies aren't made for them anyways. They are made for the people who just want to spend 90 minutes watching something silly and laughing. Unfortunately, Baywatch straight up failed to deliver any laughs. It has a few small laughs, and that's about it. Even the eye-candy is mediocre. There's not even any memorable beauty shots in the film. No surfing scenes either, not that Hollywood ever shoots any proper surf scenes, so maybe that's for the better. The film relocated the setting to Georgia, so the scenery just sucks as well.

And if you were hoping that the R-rating means there is going to be some nude scenes, Baywatch did deliver there. They delivered an old man's penis. Not any of the Baywatch chicks most were hoping for.

Son Of The Beach did a much better job of being a raunchy Baywatch spoof.

Want to demo a Firewire, Slater Designs, Tomo or new Rob Machado model surfboard? The Firewire Surfboards van is going to live at ZJ Boarding House this weekend Sat 27th through Monday 29th. Buy any of these models by Firewire and get a $50 Gift Card + 25% Off any surf accessories during the board purchase.

ZJ Boarding House

2619 Main St.
Santa Monica

Follow ZJ Boarding House on Instagram

Gloomy Thursday morning at the Venice Pier with some decent waves. North of the pier was the surfers, and on the south side was all the standup paddle bros. These photos shot by Six12 Media.

There's a lot more shots in the complete Venice Pier - Thursday 5-25-2017 Gallery.

Surfers Healing 's first event of the season is on June 3rd in Malibu. For more info, visit:

Meet famed shore break photographer Clark Little as he tours Southern California next week.

Hurley invites you to a personal 30 minute meet & greet with the famed water photographer, Clark Little. With a special select few, bring your questions for the master of shorebreak and come ready to talk story.

Meet + Greet at Hurley Factory Store- Citadel from 5:30PM - 6 PM
Clark Little signing from 6 PM - 7:30 PM

Sign-Up Here