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The National Weather Service Los Angeles reports it will be much cooler this coming week with plenty of marine layer clouds and even some drizzle

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"Today I visit the world famous Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, where it all started. Then I went to Venice, I sadly have to report that the gym is gone. Most of the outside activities are still closed down. I matched up pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he first came to Venice Beach. After this, I visit the famous Gold's Gym, and I also saw all the homeless encampments around Gol'ds Gym in Venice."

If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy him a coffee, you are welcome to donate to his paypal account:

Here's some surf photos from April 11th at County Line. These were taken from around 6:45PM till about 7:20PM. This set was shot by ChrisDidThis.

These are just a few of the photos from this session. If you were out there, you probably got some surfing shots, probably multiple photos, they will be in the complete photo gallery for this day, check them out, the link to the gallery is down below.

You can find more photos from this session, all full size and in high-resolution, in this photo gallery:

County Line - Sunday 4-11-2021 Photo Gallery

If you were out there, we probably got some cool surfing shots of you, go check them out!

Wanna see photos from previous days at this and other local surf spots?
Click Surf Spot Galleries and look for the spot and then the date.

The Venice Pride Flag Lifeguard tower gets a fresh coat of paint and a bit of a facelift just in time for Pride Month.

The tower, located North of the skate park at the end of Brooks Ave was built and then unveiled on June 1st, 2017 by Venice Pride, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the LGBTQ+ community and painted by Venice Pride board members.

Over the years the once bright and vibrant lifeguard tower began to fade due to weather and lack of upkeep.

Thanks to the efforts of Richard Martinez and his crew from Beaches and Harbors Los Angeles County the tower has been restored to its original glory just in time for this years Pride Month in June.

This story by Timothy Michael, was originally posted on

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"City council member mike bonin has proposed a motion that would bring tempoary homeless sites to county beaches, including Dockweiler State Beach, Fishermans Village in Marina Del Rey, and Will Rogers State Beach. Cleaning of the homeless encampment in venice beach starts april 15."

If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy him a coffee, you are welcome to donate to his paypal account:

The California Department of Public Health just announce:

"With 20 million COVID-19 vaccines in arms, low & stable hospitalizations, CA is on track to fully reopen on June 15 with masking & vaccinations. Get ready to hug your loved ones, to have that dinner, to go to that movie...California’s future is bright."

On March 28, 2021 at about 10:53 PM, Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) officers were dispatched to the area of the 1700 block of Ocean Ave to investigate a report of an Armed Robbery. Officers met with a couple who explained that they were riding scooters on Ocean Ave., when they were accosted by three males. During their encounter, one of the males lifted his shirt and displayed what appeared to be a handgun in his waistband. Two of the suspects began to physically assault the male victim and at one point one of the suspects snatched the cellphone from the female victim and threw it to the ground, preventing her from calling for help. Both suspects then fled the area.

SMPD officers shortly thereafter located Halfman and Johnson. They were both identified by the victims as the suspects who assaulted them. Officers recovered a handgun with a high capacity magazine (15 rounds) on suspect Johnson. Officers later discovered he had a no-bail warrant from Wisconsin. Both subjects were taken into custody without incident.

On March 30, 2021 the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office filed the following charges against two felony assault suspects:

Lavonn Shawn Johnson, a 21-year-old white male from Wisconsin - One count of 245(A)(4) PC – Assault to Commit Great Bodily Injury, 136.1 PC – Preventing Someone from Reporting a Crime, and 25850(A) PC – Possession of a Loaded Firearm.

Treyton Thomas Halfman, a 21-year-old black male from Wisconsin - one count of 245(A)(4) PC – Assault to Commit Great Bodily Injury.

A Youtuber pulls a shark prank on her friend while they paddleboard in the marina.