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"Do not carry the experience of life as a wound , let it become wisdom. The harder life has been on you, the sooner you should become wise.

Joseph Duerr's story brings this topic , you can learn with the obstacles in your journey , you can find the unique talent that you have and no one else can do it better than you , it’s your unique talent , with your best intentions you can find your true self and manifest whatever you want to be."

We Are Venice showcases the people and culture of Venice Beach, California and will inspire you to be the best version of yourself. This is a series of premium documentary profile pieces on Venice’s most important and influential individuals.

The iconic Gladstones parking lot off PCH and Sunset Blvd in Pcific Palisades provides a picturesque backdrop like no other for Malibu Autobahn's all-new Cars & Coffee event, blending scenic beauty with ample space for a diverse range of cars. The next meet is April 7th.

For more info, Click Here

Find out about more upcoming local events, Click Here for the Event Calendar.

On Saturday 3/16/24, the California Wildlife Center responded to a call about a Gray whale in distress at Little Dume in Malibu. He has since deceased and was an approximately 13,000 pound sub-adult male who stranded and is wedged in the sand. We are currently planning to get samples from the whale to help determine why this happened. NOAA and CWC are working together to formulate a plan for next steps.

As the tide rises, the animal may shift in the waves so please keep a safe distance.

Call 310/924-7256 with questions or if you see a marine animal in distress.

From Nate, "The clocks have shifted forward again and beach season is in full swing. "

"They tried to gentrify Venice!" - Potlord on why Snapchat is forbidden in Venice

Dream Team Surf is hosting Big Gay Beach Day:

"Trans people are here: in the water, in the waves and in our world all day every day⚧ and we are celebrating on March 31st for Trans Day of Visibility.

We will be doing a special skate at 10:30am from the Will Rogers parking lot (Tower 15) to the Inclusive Pride Flag Tower (Tower 18 aka Ginger Rogers) with a moment of recognition for our trans family (past, present, future). Followed by a big gay beach day!

Will Rogers Beach - Tower 15
($10-15 parking - carpool if yew wish!)
10am - 3pm (or whenever follow your bliss)
10:30am sk8 to inclusive pride tower honor the homies
11:30am beach day

Please bring your own boards and suits and snacks!

If you need board, suit or financial assistance (with parking) please DM us! We want as many hot bods and cool cats on the beach to celebrate this day."

For more info, Click Here.

Find out about more upcoming local events, Click Here for the Event Calendar.

From Santa Monica Close Up:

"Venice Healer Daisy began building her sixth tiny home on Venice Beach. This new unit will serve multiple purposes, including personal reflection, yoga, and hosting healing circles."

Click Here for more Stories about Venice Healer Daisy

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"This month marks my fifth year anniversary on being on YouTube. I talk about my experience on YouTube, the good part and the bad part. I encourage everybody to become a YouTuber, with one video it can change your life. It happened to me. I’m grateful that I can make a living on YouTube , but like everything else it has pro and cons. I hope you can learn something from this video."

"Over the weekend, Los Angeles County Lifeguards and the Sherrifs' Department responded to a vehicle that had driven into the ocean just south of the Venice Pier following a high-speed pursuit that originated in Temple City.

Once the car began to submerge, the driver escaped the vehicle and swam towards the end of the pier, where they were ultimately detained by the Sherrifs. Lifegurads searched the vehicle for additional occupants and found two dogs were left inside the vehicle, lifeguards rescued and returned them to shore.

While the mission of the Department has always been to protect life, property, and the environment, this time life took the form of two Boston Terriers. Thankfully, everyone is safe, and the vehicle has since been removed from the water with minimal environmental impacts