8:45 PM
Sad news to report this Tuesday afternoon, it's been confrimed that Born x Raised Co-Founder Chris "Spanto" Printup Has Passed Away

In 2013, Spanto created Born x Raised brand with Alex "2Tone" Erdmann, celebrating and defending their Venice, California home.
A month aftewr starting Born x Raised, Spanto was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
He celebrated his cancer-free status in 2018.
Just a few months aog, he took to social media reflecting on his health journey and expressing how grateful he is to be cancer free.
"I just want to take a moment to take a long, hard look back and what has happened over the last ten years. I think if you would take a peek at my instagram and see the highlight reel and think it might’ve been easy - but.. from where ive started (like in the early years of my life).. growing up my dad was homeless and my mom was mentally ill - I spent a lot of time in and out of the system from an early age from central juvenile hall to many years spent in the county - I decided to create a clothing brand while the last time I was incarcerated - I cooked up bxr while I was in the hole at supermax (idk if anyone who is reading this has been there but if you’ve ever eaten juke balls for a month you know the deal). A couple years after working on bxr we started moving, things were great and one month after we launched with union I was diagnosed with terminal cancer (YES, TERMINAL) so from 2013 until now I’ve been battling cancer, did 4 years of chemo lost 100 lbs and my hair numerous times - what I’m getting at is life is hard for everyone and I want anyone to know, that if you’re feeling discouraged or like life has given you too many handicaps - ITS OKAY. you’re going to be fine things will get better."
"I’m cancer free, I’m not incarcerated and my family has a house to live in and I want to look back at all that has happened and say THANK YOU - because just 5 years ago I was in the worst place in life I’ve ever been and just this last week I’ve been in Vogue, NY Times and a bunch of other places that I am extremely grateful for. If you would have told me 10 years ago I would be hosting a dinner with Nike on the roof of Soho house for 100 of my friends I would’ve never believed you. So I again want to look at all the beautiful gifts life has given me and enjoy all of it." He ended his post by thanking all his friends and beautiful wife Ann for suporting him.
Details of his death have not yet been confirmed.
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