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Flames to the Ocean - A Woolsey Fire Retrospective

In 2018, the Las Virgenes - Conejo region was ravaged by the deadly Woolsey Fire. Fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds and a drought parched landscape, these adverse conditions created the perfect storm for the development of a massive inferno. The Woolsey Fire torched two-thirds of the LVMWD service area igniting in the hills of Chatsworth and marching to the shores of the Pacific. For the five-year anniversary, LVMWD 's Mike McNutt sat down with elected officials, public safety officers from the LA County Sheriff and Fire Departments and LVMWD staff to ponder and reflect upon the physical and emotional impact those precarious days in November 2018 had on the communities of the Las Virgenes - Conejo region. Premiering on March 7, 2024, this is the story of how those communities came together in the face of flames, adversity, and panic, and how those memories will never be forgotten.

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