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Malibu wants to Suspend Licenses of Drivers who Speed

Malibu City Council sent a letter urging State & County officials to make changes to CA Vehicle Code for safety on Pacific Coast Highway. If caught going +100 MPH, lose your license for 3 months; going twice the speed limit, lose your license for 1 month (& more).

Here are the changes they want:

Anybody who exceeds 100 miles per hour shall lose their license to drive for three months, and anybody who exceeds 100 miles per hour more than once in a 12-month period shall lose their license to drive for six months

Anybody who exceeds twice the posted speed limit shall lose their license to drive for one month, and anybody who exceeds twice the posted speed limit more than once in a 12-month period shall lose their license to drive for two months.

The loss of license in these instances shall be mandatory not discretionary.

Read the letter, Click Here


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