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Here's surfing photos from Wednesday evening, January 12th at Topanga.

This set of surf photos was shot by Six12 Media and brought to you by Body Glove.

These are just a few of the 175+ photos from this session. If you were out there, you probably got some surfing shots, probably multiple photos, they will be in the complete photo gallery for this day, check them out, the links to the complete gallery is down below.

You can find about 150 more photos from this session, all full size and in high-resolution, in this photo gallery:

Topanga - Wednesday Evening 1-12-2021 Gallery

If you were out there, we probably got some cool surfing shots of you, go check them out!

Wanna see photos from previous days at this and other local surf spots from this photographer?
Click Surf Spot Galleries and look for the spot and then the date.

Here's even more surfing photos from Wednesday, January 12th at Sunset.

This set of surf photos was shot by Six12 Media and brought to you by Body Glove.

These are just a few of the additional 200+ photos from this session. If you were out there, you probably got some surfing shots, probably multiple photos, they will be in the complete photo galleries for this day, check them out, the linsk to the complete galleries are down below.

You can find about 200 more photos from this session, all full size and in high-resolution, in these photo galleries:

Sunset - Wednesday 1-12-2022 Gallery #2
Sunset - Wednesday 1-12-2022 Gallery #3

If you were out there, we probably got some cool surfing shots of you, go check them out!

Wanna see photos from previous days at this and other local surf spots from this photographer?
Click Surf Spot Galleries and look for the spot and then the date.

Here's surfing photos from Wednesday, January 12th at Sunset.

This set of surf photos was shot by Six12 Media and brought to you by Body Glove.

These are just a few of the 100+ photos from this session. If you were out there, you probably got some surfing shots, probably multiple photos, they will be in the complete photo gallery for this day, check them out, the link to the complete gallery is down below.

You can find about 100 more photos from this session, all full size and in high-resolution, in this photo gallery:

Sunset - Wednesday 1-12-2022 Gallery

If you were out there, we probably got some cool surfing shots of you, go check them out!

Wanna see photos from previous days at this and other local surf spots from this photographer?
Click Surf Spot Galleries and look for the spot and then the date.