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Today is Val Surf's 60th anniversary.

"Hey friends. Today is our 60th birthday. There’s no counting how many customers, friends, and employees that have come through these doors in those 60 years but it’s been a LOT. We would like to thank every one of you. This isn’t possible with out you all. It sure is lovely how a bunch of “individual” sports can turn into such a giant insane community/family. Here’s to another 60!"

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"Today is my day off, but I still feel like doing a video. Thousands of people come from all over the world to visit Venice Beach. I just came down to the beach and took a vacation and even though nothing is going on in Venice, it’s really slow, but there’s always something to see, always something new to learn. I love Venice Beach."

If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy him a coffee, you are welcome to donate to his paypal account:

The 2022 Longboard World Champs Errico and Roach were crowned in flawless First Point, Malibu. Here is the highlight reel to prove it.

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

Here's surfing photos from Wednesday, October 5th at Topanga.

This set of surf photos was shot by Six12 Media and brought to you by Xcel Wetsuits.

These are just a few of the 250+ photos from this session. If you were out there, you probably got some surfing shots, probably multiple photos, they will be in the complete photo galleries for this day, check them out, the links to the complete galleries are down below.

You can find about 250 more photos from this session, all full size and in high-resolution, in these 3 photo galleries:

Topanga - Wednesday 10-5-2022 - Gallery #1
Topanga - Wednesday 10-5-2022 - Gallery #2
Topanga - Wednesday 10-5-2022 - Gallery #3

If you were out there, we probably got some cool surfing shots of you, go check them out!

Wanna see photos from previous days at this and other local surf spots from this photographer?
Click Surf Spot Galleries and look for the spot and then the date.

It appears after weeks of residents filing complaints, it took a fire that burned down people's homes to finally get the city to do something about the Venice Blvd homeless encampment:

From Santa Monica Close Up:

"City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works sanitation workers in white hazardous materials suits, with the Clean Harbors Hazardous Waste Management team, perform a major cleanup at homeless encampments on Venice Boulevard in Venice on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Los Angeles Police Officers were onsite during the cleanup. LAHSA (Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority) provided homeless outreach. No citations were issued. "

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

Support Santa Monica Closeup/Fabian Lewkowicz with Venmo or PayPal to help earn money to make these videos:

The 2022 WSL Longboard Tour season concluded in a day full of surprising upsets, jaw-dropping performances from 2022 WSL Longboard Champions Errico and Roach, and world-class First Point providing a Finals Day spectacle at the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship.

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

Congratulations Soleil Errico on your 2nd World Title, winning the 2022 World Title plus winning the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship.

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

NEFF and Tillys presents Meowscles Surf Club! Going down at Muscle Beach Gym in Venice, CA on 10/8/22 from 1-5pm!

We will be transforming Muscle Beach and giving out free Fortnite x NEFF Gear! Musical performance by DJ Z-TRIP and Live Art Installations by RISK and The Art of Chase!