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Venice Healer Daisy's Puppet Show

From Santa Monica Close Up:

"Following her commendable efforts in building a tiny home for the homeless on Venice Beach Boardwalk, Venice Healer Daisy showcased her creation in a unique manner on January 13, 2024. This local innovator not only gave a tour of the freshly constructed tiny home, but also utilized the space to perform a thought-provoking puppet show.

Daisy, along with a group of dedicated friends, had initially transformed an old cart into a tiny home set on wheels for easy relocation along the Venice Beach Boardwalk. This initiative was a significant step towards providing dignified and functional living spaces for those without homes. The community gathered to witness the fruits of their labor, as Daisy led them through the ins and outs of the compact yet comfortable abode.

The event took an artistic turn when Daisy performed a puppet show from within the tiny home. This performance depicted the plight of the homeless on the Venice Beach Boardwalk, specifically focusing on their encounters with the Los Angeles Police during boardwalk clean-ups. This narrative, drawn from Daisy's personal experiences, shed light on the challenges faced by the homeless community in their daily lives.

Through this creative expression, Daisy not only highlighted the struggles of the homeless but also the need for empathy and understanding from the broader community. Her puppet show served as a powerful tool for advocacy, bringing to life the stories of those often overlooked."

Click Here for more Stories about Venice Healer Daisy

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

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