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The 2018 WSL Longboard Champion's impeccable 16.90 heat total led opening day of competition, matching the day's best 8.67, with her world-class style and navigation of Malibu's iconic First Point.

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

IT’S BACK! ZJ Boarding House just announced the return of the world famous HAUNTED HEATS competition.

The date is set for October 29th, 2022! Sign ups will be held in store and all proceeds will be donated to Waves of Impact

Need some inspo? Check out our photo Coverage of the 2019 Haunted Heats Surf Contest or the video below from the 2015 one:

We reported last week that Malibu City Council approved declaring a local state of emergency to get homeless encampments removed from areas prone to wildfires. The City of Malibu has started the process:

The Malibu City Council approved declaring a local state of emergency on September 27, 2022, initiating a program for reducing the risk of wildfires associated with unpermitted and unregulated camping in City limits. The resolution enables the LA County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), LASD-Homeless Outreach Services Team (HOST) and the City to more quickly remove homeless encampments on public property during wildfire season. LASD and the City are prioritizing removing homeless encampments and unhoused people from the brush-covered hills and canyons of Malibu and placing them into emergency shelters. These efforts ensure that the people being removed are connected to a network of healthcare, mental healthcare and housing services. The potential for fires originating from cooking and warming fires in homeless encampments poses a serious threat both for residents and for people living in encampments who may become trapped during a fire. In 2021, the City adopted a similar resolution, based on hazardous fire conditions and the more than 20 brush fires attributed to homeless encampments between January and August, 2021

“Wildfire is Malibu’s number one public safety threat, and homeless encampments in the brush covered canyons and hillsides of Malibu are a recipe for disaster,” said Mayor Paul Grisanti. “The City must address the very real threat to lives and homes posed by homeless encampments during peak wildfire season, while continuing our approach to finding shelter options and homeless services for those who are moved out of encampments.”

The resolution enables the LA County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), LASD-Homeless Outreach Services Team (HOST) and the City to more quickly remove homeless encampments on public property that are identified as fire threats during wildfire season. As part of wildfire safety efforts, LASD and the City are prioritizing removing homeless encampments and unhoused people from the brush-covered hills and canyons of Malibu and placing them into emergency shelters.

These efforts ensure that the people being removed are connected to a network of healthcare, mental healthcare and housing services, not just pushed out into another community.

In 2021, the City adopted a similar resolution, based on the critically low Live Fuel Moisture content, which indicates the potential for dangerous wildfires, and to the more than 20 brush fires attributed to homeless encampments in the canyons of the City that year to date.

The resolution directs City staff to work with Malibu Homeless Outreach Team, LASD and HOST to identify homeless encampments, to conduct outreach to people living in encampments about the dangers of living unhoused in wildfire zones and about the camping prohibition; to offer available housing, shelter and services; and to ensure that Malibu remains free of homeless encampments while not criminalizing people experiencing homelessness.

City Staff was also directed to collaborate with LASD Arson Watch during Red Flag fire conditions to watch for signs of smoke and fire and alert the Fire and Sheriff’s Departments.

Malibu is a compassionate community that has been dedicating significant resources toward services and outreach for people experiencing homelessness. The situation has become extremely dangerous, both for Malibu residents and for people living in homeless encampments who may become trapped during a fire.

The Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority’s (LAHSA) annual homeless count in February showed 81 people experiencing homelessness in Malibu, a decline of 66% from 239 in 2020 and 157 in 2021. In Los Angeles County, 69,144 people were found to be experiencing homelessness, a 4.1% increase from 2020.

If you observe encampments in Malibu, contact the Public Safety Team at or call 310-456-2489, ext. 236.

For more info, Click Here

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

Leo Carrillo State Beach this Saturday, October 8th from 9am-4pm. Bring your family, pop ups, beach chairs, picnics, sunscreens and boards. For more info, Click Here

After getting into so many situations growing up in Venice, Potlord had enough and started knocking ppl out who ever tried him while surfing.

Day 1 of the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship is in the books. The women's quarterfinals are set, and finals day awaits where World Champs will be decided. Check highlights from an amazing day that had hometown local Soleil Errico and 3x World Champ Honolua Blomfield both drop excellent heats!

Malibu is the most iconic, relevant, and revered break in all of longboard surfing. Housed in history and home to timeless style, it’s the perfect spot to host the deciding event on tour - the Cuervo Classic Malibu Longboard Championship. With the title on the line, the top surfers descend on First Point to end the year in style and decide the 2022 Longboard World Champions

From Santa Monica Close Up:

"Los Angeles Police Officers (LAPD) issue citations and advisals for public camping at Venice Beach on Tuesday, October 4, 2022."

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

Support Santa Monica Closeup/Fabian Lewkowicz with Venmo or PayPal to help earn money to make these videos:

Mike, aka German in Venice, vlogs about daily life in Venice Beach, and the nearby communities.

"Sunday night around 11PM, a couple luxury houses in the Venice Beach Canals burnt down. Residents are outraged because of possible arson by homeless squatters. @wo houses completely burned down and three others are damaged. The fire marshals are still investigating."

If you would like to support German in Venice with some gas money or you want to buy him a coffee, you are welcome to donate to his paypal account: