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Venice Boardwalk Homeless Clean Up 1/28/22

Friday 1/28/22 Venice Beach, CA boardwalk homeless clean up aka sweep. Filmed by Cop Watch Venice

"Park Rangers are back for the Friday boardwalk homeless clean up and are pretty nice to everyone today. LAPD was out at night again harassing everyone into moving for no reason, so there wasn't much for anyone to do. It's disgusting how LAPD is out in the middle of the night harassing elderly homeless people in wheelchairs, more disgusting this is the treatment the wealthy property owners ask for. They like helping the city screw themselves over apparently.

The Ferrari was there for a renegade photo shoot, LAPD did not care they were driving around illegally, they were too tired from waking up people sleeping in wheelchairs."

Cop Watch Venice follows LAPD pacific division on world famous Venice beach, showing a point-of-view style cop watch and update on Venice's current conditions. We make edited shorts, full scenes and are working on a documentary about homelessness and city failures. Donate to Cop Watch Venice via Cop Watch Venice Paypal

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