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Venice Park Rangers Dealing With Homeless And Running Over A Skater

Mornings in Venice Beach 10/22/21 Friday. Video by Cop Watch Venice

"Park Rangers show up early to warn everyone the regular Friday clean up is coming, but don't show back up for 5 hours, hoping to catch someone slipping. But instead sit around and do nothing when everyone is gone. And a jerk park ranger told me he hates my videos showing him doing nothing and later intentionally hits me with his truck on a busy Friday afternoon on the boardwalk. And yes I'm legally allowed to ride a skateboard there and no they are not."

Cop Watch Venice follows LAPD pacific division on world famous Venice beach, showing a point-of-view style cop watch and update on Venice's current conditions. We make edited shorts, full scenes and are working on a documentary about homelessness and city failures. Donate to Cop Watch Venice via Cop Watch Venice Paypal

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